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http://www.100md.com 2011年4月25日 陆永艳 王正午 阎涛


     【摘要】 目的 探讨脑外伤之后引起精神障碍发作的各种影响因素。方法 以天津市安定医院近五年来脑外伤所致精神障碍的患者48例为研究组,以天津医科大学总医院出现脑外伤但未出现精神障碍的患者48例为对照,研究引起脑外伤所致精神障碍的影响因素。由专家组讨论选定相关因素,并进行Logistic回归。结果 人格、脑损伤范围、颅内血肿、格拉斯哥分度量表评分(GCS)、脑干损伤及归因方式等六项在研究组和对照组均有统计学意义(P<0.05),最后GCS,EPQ和归因方式进入预测方程。 结论





    The analysis of related factors of mental disorder due to brain damage

    LU Yongyan, WANG Zhengwu, YAN Tao.

    The Anding Hospital of Tianjin City,Tianjin 300022,China


    【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the related factors which contributed to the occurrence of mental disorder due to brain damage. Methods The study group was selected from the psychiaitric hospital, there were 48 inpatients and the 48 patients with brain damage without mental disorder from the general hospital formed the control group. Used the Logistic regression to identify the risk factors. All the possible risk factors were discussed and decided by the experts group. Results There were altogether 6 factors which were statistically different between the study group and control group(P<0.05). In the Logistic regression equation, EPQ, attributive style andd GCS were included. Conclusion The incidence of mental disorder due to brain damage had much to do with not only somatic damage such as location and severity, but also psychological factors such as presonality and attributive style.

    【Key words】

    Mental disorder;Brain damage;Risk factors; Logistic regression



    作者单位:300022天津市安定医院(陆永艳 王正午);天津医科大学总医院脑系科(阎涛)


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料 研究组被试均来自是我院自2005年以来的门诊和住院治疗的脑外伤所致精神障碍的患者。纳入排除标准包括:①符合CCMD3中脑外伤所致精神障碍的诊断标准;②调查时间为脑外伤后3~6个月;③患者不伴随有其他躯体疾病及癫痫、精神分裂症、抑郁症等严重的精神疾病;④患者智能未受影响,能够独立完成问卷;⑤患者首次脑外伤急救时保留格拉斯哥昏迷评分(GCS)以及CT或核磁等影像学资料;⑥患者家属签署知情同意书,并且配合调查的。符合上述标准的患者共48例,其中男29例,女19例,平均年龄(37.56±12.35)岁;高中及以上学历的26例,高中以下文化的22例;48例患者中,脑外伤早期均出现精神病性症状,属于精神分裂型。对照组选自天津市某综合医院神经科的脑外伤的随访患者48例,其纳入标准包括:①有明确的脑外伤史;②脑外伤后1年以上未出现精神障碍;③年龄与性别构成与研究组一致。排除标准:①合并其他严重的躯体疾病的患者;②有精神疾病或精神疾病既往史;③脑卒中史及再发脑创伤史。④脑外伤后持续昏迷或植物人状态患者。平均年龄(35.26±11 ......
